Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Group in which HLB Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Ltd. is the parent company, acquires two consulting companies - KDA Audyt Ltd. and KDA Kancelaria Doradców i Audytorów Spółka Doradztwa Podatkowego Ltd.
KDA Audyt Ltd. and KDA DP Ltd. are two companies acquired by the Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Group. Acquisition of companies is intended to complement the portfolio of consulting services for clients of the Group for accounting services and the strengthening of the tax division of the Group.
KDA Audyt Ltd. and KDA DP Ltd. are companies from Poznań, which have operate in the consulting services market since 1993. As one of the longest running companies in this sector on the Polish market they employ over 30 professionals, providing comprehensive services in accounting, tax consulting, auditing services and training.
The result of the consolidation is carried out to strengthen tax consultancy and audit division of the Group Sarnowski & Wiśniewski. With the entry of new companies into the Group Sarnowski & Wiśniewski clients have gained access to HR and accounting services performed by a team of highly qualified specialists.
About Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Group
Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Group is now more than 80 specialists working in 5 companies:
- HLB Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Ltd. as the parent company of Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Group, provides services for audit and review of financial reports, advise on transfer pricing, tax advisory services and business consultancy. HLB Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Ltd., was established in 2004 as a company Sarnowski & Wiśniewski Spółka Audytorska Ltd. The company was registered on the list of auditors under the 2917 number. The company is also entitled to provide tax advice services under the Tax Advice Act of 5 July 1996. Since 2009, HLB Sarnowski & Wiśniewski belongs to the international audit and advisory groups of HLB International;
- KDA Kancelaria Doradców i Audytorów Ltd. (former KDA DP Ltd.) - specializes in professional HR - accounting services, the company implemented the Quality Management System BS - EN ISO 9001:2001;
- S&W Ekspertyzy i Dochodzenia Gospodarcze Ltd. - specializes in preparing opinion letters and expert witness opinions for the purposes of criminal proceedings or civil cases;
- IT 4 Finance Ltd. - IT company that develops and implements technologies and copyright information systems in the area of tax and accounting;
- Business Relations Institute Ltd. - company is responsible for supporting listed on stock exchange companies in the area of investor relations by outsourcing selected processes and the use of copyright software solutions.